Category: Metaphysics Works
Metaphysics Works:
Reality: The fundamental nature of existence, being, and the universe.
Existence: The state of being something that has presence or being.
Being: The state of existing or being present.
Time: The measure of the duration of events, as opposed to space.
Space: The three-dimensional expanse that contains all matter and radiation.
Causality: The relationship between causes and effects, where one event leads to another.
Determinism: The idea that every event is the inevitable result of what has happened before.
Free Will: The ability to make choices that are not determined by prior causes.
Eternity: Timelessness, or the absence of beginning and end.
Infinity: Boundlessness or endlessness, often applied to space or time.
Non-duality: The idea that ultimate reality is beyond dualities like subject-object, mind-matter, or thought-reality.
Monism: The idea that there is only one fundamental substance or reality underlying all things.
Pluralism: The idea that there are multiple fundamental substances or realities.
Ontology: The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence and being.
Epistemology: The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge and how we know what we know.
Dualism: The idea that there are two fundamental substances or realities (e.g., mind and body).
Materialism: The idea that only physical matter exists and that consciousness and other mental phenomena can be explained by physical processes.
Idealism: The idea that consciousness or mind is the fundamental substance and the physical world is derived from it.